Principal Investigator:Schwarz, Arthur G. Licensed Year(s):
To investigae the photosynthetic strategy of certain native plants known from the flora of the area....
Principal Investigator:Singh, T. Licensed Year(s):
To cut 100 trees in 4 areas; (approx. 60 each of 6 species - white spruce, black spruce, jackpine, aspen, balsam poplar and larch) (total 400) to serve as an indicator of which species will have the maximum potential for energy (Biomass Survey)....
Principal Investigator:Ash, Gary R. Licensed Year(s):
To identify major environmental concerns of the proposed Hydroelectric development as related to fish....
Principal Investigator:Nieminen, G.A. Licensed Year(s):
To undertake environmental field studies relating tothe environmental assessment of a mine/mill development and a winterd access road. The studies will include fisheries studies, vegetation identification, soil sampling, and wildlife habitat assessment....
Principal Investigator:Bain, John F. Licensed Year(s):
To undertake a field study of a family of annual, biennial or perennial herbs (SENECIO Sp) as part of a program towards a Ph.d. degree. Collections of these plants will be made and retained for further laboratory analysis, cataloguing and classification....
Principal Investigator:Bohn, Arne Licensed Year(s):
To conduct an assessment of the impacts of new mining and water discharge. The studies will include: - updating information on soil types and vegetation. - updating information on wildlife habitat. - updating information on water quality and fish habitat. - examining background levels of trace metals associated with Pine Point Mining activity....
Principal Investigator:Ash, Gary R. Licensed Year(s):
To identify the major environmental concerns related to the fish resources studies will include tagging of fish and tracking of the fish with radio transmitters and identification of major fish habitat areas....
Principal Investigator:McCart, Peter Licensed Year(s):
As part of the Slave River Hydro Study to conduct a continuing assessment of the fisheries resources of the area. life histories of the fish populations will be recorded. Basic data will be gathered on the aquatic habitat. The resource will also be evaluated as to its local, regional and national significance....
Principal Investigator:O'Neil, Jim Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a fisheries survey of the Liard River basin. Samples of fish will be taken by gill nets, beach seines, hoop traps and a boat mounted electrofisher. Fish will be tagged in the conventional manner and radio tagged. The radio tagged fish will be tracked by aerial survey....
Principal Investigator:McCart, Peter Licensed Year(s):
To conduct an assessment of the fisheries resources of the area. Life histories of the fish populations will be recorded. Basic data will be gathered on the aquatic habitat. The resource will also be evaluated as to its local, regional and national significance....