Principal Investigator:McDonald, Jonathan Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5691.
The objectives of this project are to add baseline water quality and fish data for the Slave River at Fort Smith and for the Fort Smith Métis Council (FSMC) and Northwest Territory Métis Nation (NWTMN) to lead this work. Fort Smith community members have expressed concerns about cumulative effects on the transboundar...
Principal Investigator:Palombi, Dan Licensed Year(s):2024
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5382.
There is limited knowledge of groundwater resources in the Alberta-Northwest Territories transboundary basins. Hydrogeological information to delineate transboundary groundwater is scarce and aquifers in this area have not been fully defined and mapped. The primary and long-term goal of the research project is to cont...
Principal Investigator:Bharadwaj, Lalita A Licensed Year(s):
2013 Summary:
In collaboration with the Slave River and Delta Partnership (SRDP) and local communities, the research team will develop a Community Based Monitoring (CBM) program titled the Slave Watershed Environmental Effects Program (SWEEP), to empower communities to collect, interpret and use a system of environmental indicators to address these priorities. The focus will be on indicators of cumulative effec...
Principal Investigator:Morris, Michelle J Licensed Year(s):
The primary objective of this research is to determine the extent to which collaboration can contribute to socially and environmentally sustainable transboundary water governance where power asymmetries exist. A secondary objective is to identify strategies and tactics that can be used by less powerful actors to achieve their goals in water management agreements.
Data will be collected via sem...
Principal Investigator:Sutherland, David Licensed Year(s):
To establish aquatic environmental quality monitoring sites in the vicinity of "OUter Sun Bay" on Contwoyto Lake. The purpose is to monitor the effectiveness of effluent quality limits imposed on Lupin Mine in protecting the receiving aquatic environment....
Principal Investigator:Viren, Tom Licensed Year(s):
To install automatic water level gauges at Bell Rock, Brule Point, and one at the bifurcation with the Jean River. Spot water levels will be measured at other points of interest along the river. Measurements of ice thicknesses, water temperatures and flow velocities under the ice will be made....