Principal Investigator:McCart, Peter Licensed Year(s):
As part of the Slave River Hydro Study to conduct a continuing assessment of the fisheries resources of the area. life histories of the fish populations will be recorded. Basic data will be gathered on the aquatic habitat. The resource will also be evaluated as to its local, regional and national significance....
Principal Investigator:McCart, Peter Licensed Year(s):
To conduct an assessment of the fisheries resources of the area. Life histories of the fish populations will be recorded. Basic data will be gathered on the aquatic habitat. The resource will also be evaluated as to its local, regional and national significance....
Principal Investigator:Tripp, Derek Licensed Year(s):
To collect baseline data on all species of fish and fish habitat. The work willinclude tagging of fish to study the migration patterns....
Principal Investigator:Ambrock, Ken Licensed Year(s):
Aerial and ground surveys to: (1) determine the migratory bird populations and the extent of the bird habitat. (2) determine the relative importance of the delta as a migratory bird breeding grounds with others in the region....
Principal Investigator:Gill, D. Licensed Year(s):
Deltaic geomorphology and fluvial environments will be mapped and studied, sedimentation studies will be done and samples taken for laboratory analysis. Vegetation will be mapped and categorized as to terrestrial, wetland and aquatic. Small mammal trapping, to determine species composition and their use of various vegetation types. Similar field observations will be made on the habitats of delt...
Principal Investigator:Fuller, W. Licensed Year(s):
Continued research into the habitat, population fluctuations, aging, size and growth of small mammals (Clethrionomys gapperi) in the subarctic....
Principal Investigator:Van Camp, Jack Licensed Year(s):
To locate areas of potential conflict between pipline related activities and late winter ungulate habitat by carrying out aerial and ground surveys....
Principal Investigator:Peden, Don Licensed Year(s):
Study of the food habits, nutrition and range carrying capacity in the area of the Hook Lake bison range....