Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):
2022202120202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5419.
This project continues the on-going monitoring and collection of baseline terrain information in the Mackenzie Valley Corridor, NWT. This phase of the project is largely data collection.
Objectives are to provide baseline knowledge of permafrost and terrain conditions (specifically ground temperature and active la...
Principal Investigator:von Kuster, Jenica Licensed Year(s):2013
The objectives of this project are:
a) to take an inventory of historical and ecological/environmental resources in the area;
b) to identify past, present and future uses of the area by community residents;
c) to identify potential impacts from use of land within the land use area; and
d) to provide follow-up mechanism for on-going communication of issues identified.
The principal researche...