Principal Investigator:Sherstone, David A. Licensed Year(s):
To acquire aerial photography of hydrologic characteristics of ice break-up and movement in the Mackenzie and lower Liard Rivers. To acquire photography of river break-up and environmentally sensitive areas along the proposed Arctic Islands pipeline route from Churchill to Spence Bay. To acquire photography of specific glaciology research sites throughout the Arctic Islands (with emphasis on the...
Principal Investigator:Miller, Sam Licensed Year(s):
Continuation of a 5-year program initiated in 1973 with objectives of: determining the general abundance and seasonal distribution of grizzly bears in the study area; determining structure, population density, productivity and survival of grizzlies within the study area; recommending a management program for grizzly bears in zones 12 and 19....
Principal Investigator:Gill, D. Licensed Year(s):
Perform an aerial survey of big game animals in the vicinity of MacMillan Pass. Conduct a snow survey in the MacMillan Pass area. Conduct a large mammal count while doing the snow survey....
Principal Investigator:Riewe, R.R. Licensed Year(s):
Conducting a survey of seismic lines to determine their effect upon the carnivores and upon ungulates. Continuation of last year's (1976) monitoring of small mammals in the vicinity of seismic lines....
Principal Investigator:Wooley, David R. Licensed Year(s):
Aerial survey of the Bluenose Caribou herd to determine winter distribution in the known winter range and the proportion of the herd wintering on the western portion of the range near the proposed route of the gas pipeline between Inuvik and Fort Good Hope....
Principal Investigator:Suzuki, T.. Licensed Year(s):
To measure a number of sample forest plots in detail to assemble a body of data with which to test a computer simulation model of the growth and development of tree stands....
Principal Investigator:Miller, S.J. Licensed Year(s):
1) Scientific observations of birds and mammals. 2) Aerial and ground observations of grizzly bears and collections of specimens....
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, D.A. Licensed Year(s):
1) To acquire aerial photography of hydrologic characteristics of the Mackenzie and Lower Liard River basins. 2) To acquire photography of environmentally sensititve areas along the Central Arctic gas pipeline route. 3) To acquire aerial photography of glacier research sites in the Arctic Islands area (particularly ...