76 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Dogrib Music Making
Principal Investigator: Keillor, Elaine
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1987
Summary: To obtain recorded examples of traditional genres, as a comparison to those obtained in 1984, and to assess other music heard and used in the Dogrib communities now. To continue the study of songs in stories, dances, gambling songs, and songs of children and women....

Licence #4084
Principal Investigator: Stenton, Douglas R.
Licensed Year(s): 1984
Summary: The collection of oral histories from people in Frobisher Bay as the first step of an investigation into the use of inland resources by prehistoric groups....

Licence #2503
Principal Investigator: Rice, Karen
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: A continuation of the study of the Slave language in order to produce a Slave grammar. This will be used to produce curriculum materials for use in the schools....

Licence #2502
Principal Investigator: Berdoulay, Vincent
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: To collect a complete inventory of place names in the geographic area occupied by the Hare Indians....

Licence #1841
Principal Investigator: Rushforth, E.S.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Research into the language and culture of the Great Bear Lake Indians....

Licence #1800
Principal Investigator: Rushforth, E. Scott
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Studies on the language and culture of the Great Bear Lake Indians living at Fort Franklin....