2 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Role of Climate and Sea Change on Early Cambrian Evolution
Principal Investigator: Pope, Michael
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002 2001
Summary: The research team will fly to Norman Wells by commercial airline, and then travel to the field by helicopter or Twin Otter. Travel in the field will be by canoe, or on foot. Field camps will be low impact, and will be occupied for less than 14 days. All human waste will be buried, and all non-burnable garbage will be packed out. The research team will measure, describe and sample the Early Camb...

Trilobite biostratigraphy of Rockslide Formation (Middle Cambrian)
Principal Investigator: Pratt, Brian R.
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2002 2000 1998
Summary: Outcrops in the Mackenzie Mountains preserve an almost uninterrupted sequence of strata of Cambrian age. This study aims to collect in bed-by-bed detail the trilobite fossils from the Rockslide Formation, the Middle Cambrian portion of the sequence. The taxonomy and biostratigraphy of these fossils will generate a refined time scale for this part of the geologic column, some half a billion years o...