Principal Investigator:Couture, Réjean Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
The goal of this project is to compile updated baseline information/knowledge on the types, regional distribution, and controls (e.g. forests fires, climate change) of landslides. The main objectives of the field reconnaissance at landslide sites are six-fold: 1) to validate previous data collected through air photo interpretation and remote sensing techniques; 2) to carry out detailed mapping at ...
Principal Investigator:Lockhart, W.L. Licensed Year(s):1993
The researcher and his team will engage in a bathymetric survey to map the contours of the bottom of Lac Belot, as well as determine the distribution of fish in the lake. Several soil samples will be collected to determine the amount of atmospheric dust fallout. As well, tissue samples from 6 lake trout and 6 ground squirrels are to be collected to compare some aspects of their biochemistry with ...