2 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Health Risk and Climate Change in Sahtúot’ine Stories: Envisioning Adaptations with Elders and Youth in Déline, NWT
Principal Investigator: Simmons, Deborah L
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: The research follows the participatory method established by the Deline Uranium Team and Deline Knowledge Project. Déline governance will ensure that the research meets agreed-upon objectives benefiting the community; that Déline, Northwest Territories and university research guidelines are respected; and that the intellectual property rights of Déline participants are protected. The community re...

Licence #2702
Principal Investigator: Grant, Shelagh
Licensed Year(s): 1981
Summary: To conduct a survey of local peoples' opinion on the effects of World War Ii and their perceptions of the effects of WW II and how it changed such things as health care, education and government policy. This is the background to an M.A. history thesis....