Principal Investigator:Guthrie, Glen H Licensed Year(s):20112010200920082007
The Bosworth Creek Project was initiated when the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board received a request for information on fish stocks in the creek by a local resident. The resident expressed concern over the apparent lack of certain species that were present on Bosworth Creek prior to the damming of the creek. Recent restoration efforts have presented a unique opportunity for training local youth in...
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Frederick M Licensed Year(s):20082007
2005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
The active layer, overlying the permafrost layer, is the surface earth material that thaws and re-freezes each year. Active layer thickness and character can influence hunting, fishing, forestry, gardening, transportation and construction. Changes in the active layer can contribute to landslides which may damage structures, hamper transportation, affect water quality, and influence surface and sub...