3 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Examining the application and use of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative within Rural and Urban health facilities in Canada and Australia among Indigenous Mothers.
Principal Investigator: Neufeld, Hannah
Licensed Year(s): 2022
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5373. The objectives of this research are to gather the firsthand experiences of policymakers, administrators, and health care providers on implementing and supporting access to maternal health services among Indigenous mothers; and to apply and adapt the Interactive Theory of Breastfeeding to explore theoretical concepts i...

Evaluation of Early Childhood Development Training
Principal Investigator: Little, Lois M.
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: GNWT Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) has commissioned this evaluation to: 1) determine if the current early childhood education delivery model and the Aurora College Early Childhood Development (ECD) Training programs are meeting the needs of students, parents, children, and communities in the NWT; and 2) learn about other models of training within the NWT and in other Canadian jurisd...

NWT Child Care Survey
Principal Investigator: Lavoie, Susan
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: 1. To develop and implement a print survey to asses child care needs within all NWT communities; 2. To put together a final report and action plan based on results of survey from communities, in consultation with NWT Child Care Association Board....