Principal Investigator:Pratt, Brian R. Licensed Year(s):201220022000
Outcrops in the Mackenzie Mountains preserve an almost uninterrupted sequence of strata of Cambrian age. This study aims to collect in bed-by-bed detail the trilobite fossils from the Rockslide Formation, the Middle Cambrian portion of the sequence. The taxonomy and biostratigraphy of these fossils will generate a refined time scale for this part of the geologic column, some half a billion years o...
Principal Investigator:Nicholson, Barbara Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will map the present distribution of boreal and subarctic wetlands in the Mackenzie River Basin. Wetland vegetation and water chemistry will be described for areas immediately surrounding permanent weather stations. The ecological relationships between climate, wetland water chemistry and wetland species distribution will be analyzed. A predictive indicator model will be built to pr...