Principal Investigator:Lukas-Amulung, Sandra E Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research are to: describe the problematic overlap between NWT environmental assessment (EA) and negotiated agreements (NA); prepare several project review process models to explore possible relationships between NA and EA; evaluate the models and select a preferred model during an expert workshop; and assess the suitability of the preferred model using the views of First Nat...
Principal Investigator:Armitage, Derek Licensed Year(s):
In Indonesia, indigenous groups are articulating a demand for rights to lands and resources and a greater role in processes of development and change. There is also an increasing emphasis on negotiating partnerships and collaborative management arrangeme...
Principal Investigator:Snortland, Judy Licensed Year(s):2004200320022001
1998 Summary:
The Harvest Study is a 5 year, 5 community study being conducted in the Sahtu Settlement. Each month, in each community, a local interviewer recommended by the local Renewable Resource Council collects harvest information in their community using a brief face-to-face interview. All adult Sahtu Dene-Metis (16yrs +) and a select group of adult non-beneficiaries who provide for their Dene-Metis famil...