Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002
200019991998 Summary:
Changes in the ground due to uplift, associated with the growth of a pingo, and sideways movements due to the growth of ice wedges, will be measured. Air, ground, and lake water temperatures will be measured, in order to find out how the ground is responding to climatic variation. The reseach team will also return to Paulatuk, to continue studies Dr. Mackay began there 50 years ago. Travel to s...
Principal Investigator:Vincent, Jean-Serge Licensed Year(s):
To map, describe and explain the unconsolidated deposits, landforms, permafrost, and organic cover, and undertake geomorphic process studies in order to provide aerial knowledge of geology and terrain that will (a) aid in the implementation of the Territorial Land Use Regulations; (b) be pertinent to engineering construction; (c) provide data relative to terrain sensitivity rating; and (d) elucida...