Principal Investigator:Williams, Mathew Licensed Year(s):
20132012 Summary:
The aim of the proposed project is to develop, parameterize and evaluate a detailed process-based model of vegetation soil- permafrost interactions using data collected through directed field campaigns in the discontinuous and sporadic permafrost zones of western Canada. The research team will (i) elucidate the role of plant biodiversity in controlling permafrost status in contrasting ecosystems w...
Principal Investigator:Lennie-Misgeld, Peter Licensed Year(s):
2008 Summary:
Soil samples will be taken from representative sites in order to complete soil reclamation suitability assessment. Surficial sediments and soils will be described at each pit. In addition, notes will be taken on vegetation, drainage and terrain features, etc. A permafrost survey will consist of drilling shallow holes (<3 m) to determine permafrost conditions. Shallow permafrost drilling will be...