Principal Investigator:Henderson, J.R. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
This year's field work will complete the geological mapping exercise that was started in 1992. The researcher will document, measure and collect various types of rocks found in the area in order to determine the distribution of the various rock types and to under- stand how they originally formed. Most of these rocks are among the oldest known in Canada, with some being over 2.5 billion years ol...
Principal Investigator:King, Janet E. Licensed Year(s):
Mapping of bedrock and surfical geology will be conducted in numerous parts of the geologic Slave Province. Specific studies of the bedrock, such as its stratigraphy, the nature of the granitic rocks, how the rocks deformed and metamorphosed, and isotopic dating will provide insight on the geologic evolution of this part (Slave Province) of the Canadian Sheild....
Principal Investigator:Henderson, John B. Licensed Year(s):
The research will collect information to produce maps which outline the distribution of various rock types, attempting to show their relationship to each other in order to understand their history, how they orignially formed and what has happened to them between then and now. This data will also assist in the search for mineral deposits in the study area....
Principal Investigator:Thompson, Peter H. Licensed Year(s):1994
Using a combination of regional bedrock mapping, detailed mapping, and special studies in the fields of petrology, structural geology, geochronology, geophysics, metallogeny and surficial geology, the research will determine the origin, evolution and economic potential of part of the Slave Structural Province, Canadian Shield....
Principal Investigator:Falck, Hendrik Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his assistant will visit all known gold and mineral resource occurances in the Yellowknife area. The area immediately around the showing will be mapped as to rock types, structures and mineral resources. Samples are returned to town and analyzed for chemcials and minerals....