Principal Investigator:Williams, Mathew Licensed Year(s):
20132012 Summary:
The aim of the proposed project is to develop, parameterize and evaluate a detailed process-based model of vegetation soil- permafrost interactions using data collected through directed field campaigns in the discontinuous and sporadic permafrost zones of western Canada. The research team will (i) elucidate the role of plant biodiversity in controlling permafrost status in contrasting ecosystems w...
Principal Investigator:Coxson, Darwyn S Licensed Year(s):
2007 Summary:
The objective of this research is to study how northern soils in close proximity (geospatially linked soils) cycle nitrogen and carbon and produce greenhouse gases. Describing these links will allow forecasting on how the soils respond to climate change.
Three transects with 31 sampling locations will be set up. At each location a Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) probe and thermocouple will be i...
Principal Investigator:MacDonald, Glen M Licensed Year(s):
The researchers believe that the treeline zone is one of the most sensitive areas on earth to temperature changes, both natural and caused by global warming. They would like to take a small core (5 cm diameter) from the mud at the bottom of two small lakes close to Back Lake, northeast of Yellowknife. In the laboratory, they will analyze the cores for temperature-sensitive aquatic insect remains...