21 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Consultation and Consent: Intercultural Perspectives in Resource Governance
Principal Investigator: Mitchell, Terry
Licensed Year(s): 2017 2016
Summary: The proposed research is part of a larger collaborative research project on the internationally recognized right of indigenous peoples to free, prior and informed consent in relation to natural resource management and development that may affect lands and waters that they own, occupy or otherwise use. The research pursues better understanding of both the challenges and best practices for inclusive...

Borderless Waters: An Evaluation of Indigenous Perspectives in the Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Agreements
Principal Investigator: Hall, Teall S
Licensed Year(s): 2016
Summary: The goal is to highlight how current settler-colonial relations in Canada has failed to include Indigenous peoples into environmental decision-making. The goal of this study is to investigate how Indigenous perspectives were considered during the negotiation process as well as the final output of the agreements for the Mackenzie River Basin Bilateral Water Management Agreement between the Governme...

Non-governmental influence on Arctic policy through parliamentary committees in Canada and Russia
Principal Investigator: Marlin, Marguerite
Licensed Year(s): 2016
Summary: This research examines two parliamentary states with large Arctic expanses and more Southern political centers – Canada and Russia – in order to determine the extent to which representation of Arctic interests is accomplished through different parliamentary systems and through parliamentary committees in particular. The main research question is: What are the key historical, institutional, and...

Impact as a Political Technology of the Settler State: an account of land and territory in Denendeh
Principal Investigator: Evenden, Matthew
Licensed Year(s): 2016
Summary: The objectives of this research are to learn about and articulate the importance of early impact assessment methodology to questions of political governance in the Northwest Territories. In this research into core concepts of the field of political geography, the Principal Investigator (PI) has found little that examines or articulates the manner in which traditional territories of Indigenous popu...

Northern Spaces: Resource Governance in the Southern Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Cohen, Alice
Licensed Year(s): 2016 2015 2014
Summary: The objectives of this project are to: 1) highlight the specifically northern dimensions of resource governance in environmental geography; 2) contribute to ongoing resource governance development in southern NWT; 3) further geographic (and specifically, scalar) scholarship on the political dimensions of ecosystem governance; and, 4) understand and theorize the relationship(s) between ecosystem go...

Aboriginal Governance in the US and Canadian North: Institutional Design and Conflict Management
Principal Investigator: Davidson, Adrienne
Licensed Year(s): 2015
Summary: The successful development of energy and natural resource projects in the north is not simply a matter of a suitable economic climate and support from federal or territorial/state government. Rather, the arctic and sub-arctic regions of Canada and the United States are governed by a complex system of institutions at the local, territorial, and international level. This research, investigates the d...

In pursuit of environmental sustainability in the Arctic: The role of Arctic Council governance norms in shaping the region’s environmental governance systems.
Principal Investigator: Spence, Jennifer
Licensed Year(s): 2014
Summary: The objective of this project is to explore to what extent the governance features of the Arctic Council has influenced the way its participants work together and make decisions (governance norms) and, by extension, to what extent these governance features may have spread to the broader network of existing institutions that support environmental governance in the region. This dissertation adop...

Building Human Resources Capacity in Aboriginal Governments (through the GNWT)
Principal Investigator: Gowans, Grant W
Licensed Year(s): 2014
Summary: The product of this research will be a paper that outlines the current situation with respect to the level of Human Resource (HR) Capacity support offered by the Government of the Northwest Territories to Aboriginal organizations. Furthermore, strengths, deficiencies, and gaps of this HR Capacity support with respect to what is required for Aboriginal organizations to successfully transition to su...

Resource Royalties Distribution and Community Development
Principal Investigator: Rodon, Thierry
Licensed Year(s): 2015 2014
Summary: This project will bridge this knowledge gap by achieving the following three objectives: 1) Making a list of various methods used by Aboriginal communities and organizations to distribute royalties and profit shares paid by resource companies; 2) Identifying the characteristics of each mode of distributions and their positive and negative outcomes; and 3) Identifying the most sustainable practi...

Aboriginal Governance: Administrative Decision-Making in the Mackenzie Valley
Principal Investigator: Graben, Sari
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: It is the investigator’s hope that this research will lead to an improved understanding of co-management decision-making as a process which is distinct in the law. It is hoped that this research will contribute to a richer understanding of administrative law that will better support the goals of co-management. The objective of this research is to examine resource decision-making processes asso...