Principal Investigator:Kheyrollah Pour, Homa Licensed Year(s):
2021 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5335.
This proposed research is directed at understanding the impact of current/future climate warming on subarctic lake ecosystems. The aim is to explore the relationship of seasonal lake ice growth/ablation and water quality across a wide range of lake characteristics (size, volume, productivity, catchment characteristics...
Principal Investigator:Chamberland, Joseph Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The results of this project will add information that will help northern communities, scientists and decision makers answer questions about water quality and changes to rivers and lakes within the NWT. The information generated from this project will provide both baseline and long term water indicator measures for the Slave River, Great Slave Lake (GSL), and the Mackenzie River, which are three of...