Principal Investigator:Zalatan, Rececca Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
Caribou populations fluctuate over long time spans. However, long-term records of population cycles are scarce. The population dynamics of the Bathurst and Beverly caribou herd across the Northwest Territories will be reconstructed using two proxy indic...
Principal Investigator:Dowlatabadi, Hadi Licensed Year(s):
The overall objective of this project is to provide a set of tools to estimate the cumulative impacts of a development project based on its power as an "attractor" to subsequent development. The researchers will make a short visit to Yellowknife to talk...
Principal Investigator:Harbicht, Stephen Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his assistants will set gill nets in Kam Lake, areas IV and V of Great Slave Lake and Yellowknife Bay to collect fish samples for analysis to determine baseline levels of heavy metals in fish tissues....
Principal Investigator:Fuller, W.A. Licensed Year(s):
Continuation of research into the habitat, population fluctuations, aging, size, and growth of small mammals in the subarctic....
Principal Investigator:Fuller, William Licensed Year(s):
Continued research into the habitat, population fluctuations, aging, size and growth of small mammals in the subarctic....