6 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Analaysis of Bathurst Caribou Herd Dynamics Using a Proxy Indicator
Principal Investigator: Zalatan, Rececca
Licensed Year(s): 2004 2003
Summary: Caribou populations fluctuate over long time spans. However, long-term records of population cycles are scarce. The population dynamics of the Bathurst and Beverly caribou herd across the Northwest Territories will be reconstructed using two proxy indic...

Bridging the Gap Between Project Assessments and Regional Development Dynamics in the Canadian Arctic
Principal Investigator: Dowlatabadi, Hadi
Licensed Year(s): 2004
Summary: The overall objective of this project is to provide a set of tools to estimate the cumulative impacts of a development project based on its power as an "attractor" to subsequent development. The researchers will make a short visit to Yellowknife to talk...

Kam Lake, Yellowknife Bay/Area IV and V Great Slave Lake Fish Sampling Program
Principal Investigator: Harbicht, Stephen
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The Researcher and his assistants will set gill nets in Kam Lake, areas IV and V of Great Slave Lake and Yellowknife Bay to collect fish samples for analysis to determine baseline levels of heavy metals in fish tissues....

Licence #2419
Principal Investigator: Fuller, W.A.
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: Continuation of research into the habitat, population fluctuations, aging, size, and growth of small mammals in the subarctic....

Licence #2270
Principal Investigator: Fuller, William
Licensed Year(s): 1978
Summary: Continued research into the habitat, population fluctuations, aging, size and growth of small mammals in the subarctic....

Licence #1968
Principal Investigator: Doyle, David
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: Research into the population dynamics of northern shrews....