Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
There are three objectives for this research project:
I) Understand Northwest Territories (NWT) resident male boaters’ behaviours and attitudes towards water safety. Given that rates of drowning are higher in the NWT, it would be dangerous to assume that male NWT residents have the same attitudes and behaviours concerning boat safety as their female and non-NWT resident counterparts. In particula...
Principal Investigator:Keillor, Elaine Licensed Year(s):1994
To obtain recorded examples of traditional genres, as a comparison to those obtained in 1984, and to assess other music heard and used in the Dogrib communities now. To continue the study of songs in stories, dances, gambling songs, and songs of children and women....
Principal Investigator:Bresnahan, Barb R. Licensed Year(s):
To interview women regarding their experiences and perceptions of the participation of women in the political process and leadership roles in the Northwest Territories, with the hope of discovering why so many women become politically active in the north....