2 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Environment Adaptation in Arctic Aquatic Organisms
Principal Investigator: Ballantyne, James
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: This project will examine the adaptation of freshwater fish to low temperatures. The data to be collected includes blood and tissue samples from fish. These samples will be analyzed for enzymes, fats and proteins. These results will be compared to samples taken from other locations (e.g. Nunavut, southern waters). This work will provide important information relating the sensitivity of Arctic ...

Distribution of Dark-Celled Fungal Root Endophytes Along an Arctic to Boreal Latitudinal Gradient
Principal Investigator: Piercey, Melissa
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: Roots of plants inhabiting cold-stressed environments are often colonized by vegetatively reproducing fungi. The researcher will examine the genetic variation within and among populations of Phialocephala fortinii P. along a latitudinal gradient encompassing the boreal, subarctic and arctic zones in Northern Canada. The researcher will travel from Yellowknife to 3 study sites surrounding Great ...