Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
2016201520142013 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 6014.
This study is designed to find out whether contaminant levels are changing in fish (lake trout and cisco) in Great Bear Lake. Of particular interest is mercury. It complements ongoing fish population studies being conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans on Great Bear Lake and contributes to Deline's resea...
Principal Investigator:Bayha, Janet Licensed Year(s):
20032002200120001998 Summary:
The Sahtu Settlement Harvest Study began as a 5-year project (1998-2003) in the five Sahtu Settlement communities. This Study is being continued in 2004 and 2005. Each month, in each community, a local interviewer recommended by the local Renewable Reso...
Principal Investigator:Fisk, Aaron Licensed Year(s):
The researcher plans to take samples of sediments and fish from sites near the three settlements in order to determine the types of contaminants that are present in the environment as well as those that collect or accumulate in the tissues of fish. This study will benefit other studies that have examined contaminants in NWT wildlife as fish are preyed upon by a variety of wildlife species. The r...
Principal Investigator:Vigers, Gary Licensed Year(s):
To determine acute and sublethal effects of oil (natural seeps) and refinery effluent on fish in the Mackenzie River at Norman Wells. Sublethal effects will include bioaccumulation and tainting. In situ fish cages and laboratory bioassays will be utilized....
Principal Investigator:Jasper, J.N. Licensed Year(s):
To measure peak flows to determine designs for proposed culvert and bridge sites along the Mackenzie Highway and to assess Environmental conditions (erosion, etc.) at stream crossings before and after construction and to determine their effects on fish migration....
Principal Investigator:Whitney, Paul Licensed Year(s):
The collection of fisheries data for use in assessing spawning and/or feeding habitat of streams crossed by the Mckenzie Highway route....