Principal Investigator:Campbell, Gail Licensed Year(s):
Ms. Campbell will be interviewing people about town planning in the Northwest Territories. Her research will be used to produce a Master's thesis....
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, J.C. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
Dr. Ritchie is looking at live plants and the remains of plants at the bottom of lakes to see how plants and weather have changed since the glaciers left the Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk area 10,000 years ago....
Principal Investigator:Boileau, Marc G. Licensed Year(s):
19871986 Summary:
To investigate the ecology and population genetics of crustacean zooplankton; to study the genetic diversity of the major species of copepods and their dispersal since deglaciation; to clarify the taxonomy and improve distribution records....
Principal Investigator:Mattner, Jorg Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
To reconstruct the depositional environment in as much detail as possible, of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments nowadays outcropping in the central part of the northern Richardson Mountains...
Principal Investigator:McMahon, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
To visit six N.W.T. communities and to interview individuals who are interested in commenting on "Canadian Arctic Sovereignty" as a historical concern and a current issue. A primary focus will be to obtain comments from community elders regarding their attitudes and experiences on this issue....
Principal Investigator:Paulette, Lesley Licensed Year(s):
Phase 1 - to provide to the membership of the Native Women's Association an overview of the current status of maternity care in the NWT, including a preliminary needs assessment based on interviews with native women elders and various health care providers. Areas for further research will be identified as well as proposals for subsequent initiatives to promote maternal and infant health and famil...
Principal Investigator:Green, John M. Licensed Year(s):
To continue the ongoing study designed to investigate the postglacial dispersal patterns of freshwater and anadromous fishes by determining genetic relationships between fish populations inhabiting the rivers. Tissue samples will be collected and the genetic variations will be determined through analysis for selected proteins....
Principal Investigator:Tonn, W.M. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct preliminary sampling of small lakes in the general area of Inuvik by "test fishing". The information gathered will be used as a basis to initiate a research project on arctic fish ecology....
Principal Investigator:Lavoie, Susan Licensed Year(s):
1. To develop and implement a print survey to asses child care needs within all NWT communities; 2. To put together a final report and action plan based on results of survey from communities, in consultation with NWT Child Care Association Board....
Principal Investigator:Sloggett, Joel Licensed Year(s):
To assess fur harvesting rates and participation in the community of Tuktoyaktuk over the last 10 years through collaboration with and by reviewing existing data collected by such agencies as GNWT Renewable Resources, Inuvialuit Game Council and the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Association; and by conducting household interviews with the approval and in consultation with the Tuktoyaktuk Hamlet...