4 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) à l’emplacement "" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Exploring the WiseGuyz Program in Beaufort Delta Divisional Educational Council
chercheur principal: Exner-Cortens, Deinera
Année(s) de permis: 2023 2022
Résumé: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5502. The primary objectives are to describe the implementation of WiseGuyz with adolescent boys in the Beaufort Delta Education Council (BDDEC), in terms of the lived experiences of a) the youth participants and b) the facilitators/other key program stakeholders in the community; and, to generate culturally-appropriate kno...

Understanding and addressing males' boating safety practices in the Northwest Territories
chercheur principal: Giles, Audrey R.
Année(s) de permis: 2016 2015
Résumé: There are three objectives for this research project: I) Understand Northwest Territories (NWT) resident male boaters’ behaviours and attitudes towards water safety. Given that rates of drowning are higher in the NWT, it would be dangerous to assume that male NWT residents have the same attitudes and behaviours concerning boat safety as their female and non-NWT resident counterparts. In particula...

Engaging Men and Boys in Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls
chercheur principal: Irngaut, Katharine
Année(s) de permis: 2014
Résumé: For the Survey Component, Pauktuutit seeks to gather data that will guide the development of tools and resources that will engage Inuit men and boys and will reduce the levels of violence prevalent in Inuit communities. The survey will seek to gauge Inuit attitudes about gender roles, about different forms of violence, and the types of information and services that will resonate among Inuit. Inter...

Women in Politics and Leadership Roles in the N.W.T.
chercheur principal: Bresnahan, Barb R.
Année(s) de permis: 1987
Résumé: To interview women regarding their experiences and perceptions of the participation of women in the political process and leadership roles in the Northwest Territories, with the hope of discovering why so many women become politically active in the north....