817 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Local-to-Global dynamics influencing Circumpolar Governance in the Arctic
Principal Investigator: Barnes, Justin
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5523. The objective of this research project is to understand the influence Indigenous Peoples have had as Permanent Participants at the Arctic Council. The Arctic Council is an international forum consisting of the eight Arctic countries and six Permanent Participant organizations representing Arctic Indigenous Peoples. ...

Influences of MPA stewardship on the wellbeing of future leaders
Principal Investigator: Parlee, Brenda L
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5570. The broader hope is to learn more about the benefits of youth involvement in community-led environmental stewardship. The Beluga Whale Monitoring Program has been a successful example of co-management and stewardship which has been in place for many decades. We wish to showcase the benefits of this program to the bro...

Thermal State of Permafrost
Principal Investigator: Nicolsky, Dmitry
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5622. The research team will be visiting the research site in July of 2023 to collect data from existing instruments, as well as upgrade and repair as needed. Instrumentation at the site consists of a 3-meter tripod, a white instrument storage enclosure, and instruments to measure: 1) air temperature; 2) snow depth; 3) so...

Muslims in Arctic Canada
Principal Investigator: Mossmann, Bouchra Emilia
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5694. The main objective of this research project is to clarify how Muslims who live around the Arctic Circle make sense of Islam. In the Arctic Circle, Muslim religious traditions seem more challenged than elsewhere. For example, because of the extreme light conditions. Thus, the research team would like to explore: 1...

Implications of climate change and permafrost thaw on carbon dynamics and biodiversity in the lower MRB watersheds
Principal Investigator: Reid, Thomas
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5507. The objectives of this research are to: 1) Assess the spatial and temporal distribution of particulate and dissolved nutrients/carbon along a large- and small-scale latitudinal gradients in the MRB (I.e. Slave River, Great Slave Lake, Mackenzie River, Laird River, Peel River, smaller headwater streams); Correlate...

Government Land Policy in the NWT
Principal Investigator: Gibson, Ryan
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5683. The study aims to fill in a literature gap describing government land policy, legislation and regulations in the Northwest Territories historically, and further aims to answer the following questions: - What has been the impact of government land legislation, regulation and policy on housing in the NWT? - How has g...

Access to justice, digitalization and public ombuds work
Principal Investigator: Dahlvik, Julia
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5497. This research project pursues a dual perspective: it is interested in both the experiences of citizens and the practices and strategies of public ombuds institutions, that is, what measures they take to ensure equal access to justice for all in the context of increasingly digitalized public services, and with what ef...

“Can we tell them that people can’t afford to eat, and it’s getting worse and worse?”: An Assessment of the Retail Food Environment and Consumer Agency in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Principal Investigator: Kenny, Tiff-Annie
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5503. The aim of the project is to collect new information on the retail food environment, household socio-economic conditions, and food purchases, through both empirical measures and local knowledge. The goal is to shed new light on market food affordability and food security in the ISR, while building local and regional ...

Options for an Inuvialuit Community-Based Harvest Study
Principal Investigator: Parlee, Brenda L
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5673. The objectives of this study are: 1. options for elements of the Harvest Study that reflect both scientific best practice and community-specific needs and priorities, including timing of the survey, how to record observations on the health of animals and the land, observations of pressures and stresses on harvest ac...

Arctic Expedition
Principal Investigator: Cherrak, Marion
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5623. This project will be supervised by UNIGE, Geneva University and conducted onboard by Noémie Planat, a PhD student at McGill University. This study will continuously monitor environmental data (greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide and methane) and standard oceanographic parameters in surface water/water column, and the p...