Principal Investigator:Gagnon, Catherine A Licensed Year(s):202020192018201720172015
20122011200920082006 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to assess the processes used by the Arctic Borderlands Ecological Knowledge Co-op (ABEKC) to communicate within and beyond its members; to assess the contributions of the ABEKC in terms of building capacity, bonds and common learning amongst its participants: scientists, community monitors, board members, representatives from local organizations; and, to...
Principal Investigator:Bhatti, Jagtar Licensed Year(s):2011201020092008
The objectives of this study are to: assess interannual and seasonal variations and key processes controlling CO2, CH4 and N2O dynamics along the Mackenzie Valley latitudinal gradient; investigate the amount and character of greenhouse gases (GHGs) released; understand physiographic and hydrodynamic conditions that control or influence soil GHGs (distributions and emissions).
The Mackenzie vall...