Principal Investigator:Tucker, Nigel Licensed Year(s):
To determine the attitudes of affected Northern interest groups regarding the Port Location issue and broader considerations of Ports Policy and Management for the Region....
Principal Investigator:Koebberling, Uschi Licensed Year(s):
To do interviews with community leaders and examination of documentary material to discover The Role of New Telecommunication Technologies for Self-Reliant Development of Northern Natives....
Principal Investigator:Godel, John Licensed Year(s):
To do a Northern Infant Nutritional Study by looking into the vitamin, mineral, and nutritional status of northern women during pregnancy and during breast feeding and to relate these findings to the vitamin status of their infants at birth and during the first six weeks of life; also to give vitamin supplements to the infants in a controller manner to re- evaluate their vitamin status at six wee...
Principal Investigator:MacDougall, Jamie C. Licensed Year(s):
To compile a list of all agencies, institutions, and individuals who provide medical, educational or rehabilitation services to hearing impaired children in Canada; to profile the relevant characteristics of all hearing impaired Canadian children from birth to 21 years of age....
Principal Investigator:Abele, Frances Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a native employment training study to study factors that contribute to the success and failure of training programs for native northerners from the perspective of trainees and communities....
Principal Investigator:Poole, Louise Licensed Year(s):
To draft nutrition guidelines on nutritious foods and safe food management for the Day Care centres in the N.W.T....
Principal Investigator:Ring, Richard A. Licensed Year(s):
A continuation of study on the freezing tolerance of Arctic insects. Samples will be collected for comparison to southern species....