4 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped): Not seeing the results you want? Tryadvanced search.
Principal Investigator:Worden, Elizabeth G Licensed Year(s):
2017 Summary:
The aim of the proposed research is to improve understanding of human-beluga whale relations over time and the implications of change for subsistence livelihoods in Aklavik. The aim will be achieved through three objectives:
1) to document and describe the role and importance of subsistence hunting in the community of Aklavik, with a specific focus on human-beluga relations;
2) to examine local ...
Principal Investigator:Pearce, Tristan D Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. describe the beluga-Inuvialuit linked social-ecological system;
2. characterize Inuvialuit traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of beluga whale: ecology and behaviour, hunting techniques, and food preparation;
3. document current stresses affecting beluga and Inuvialuit hunters and adaptive responses; and,
4. identify opportunities for TEK ...
Principal Investigator:Dressler, Wolfram Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to identify both the current and future positive and negative impacts of nature-based tourism within the Delta. The study will be carried out through the Inuvik Research Centre. Tourists will be canvassed at drop-off points and surveys will be mailed out according to visitor listings. Visitor surveys will be left at camp grounds and hotels. The same procedure will occ...
Principal Investigator:Storace, Fleur Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will be in the ISR for a period of 4 weeks. The primary activity that the researcher will be undertaking will be to observe and talk to residents of the ISR. The researcher will begin her visit in the ISR by presenting her methods to the FJMC at their scheduled meeting on June 19 and 20th. If permitted, the researcher will accompany Ms. Cockney and Mr. Amos on monitoring rounds a...