1685 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped): Not seeing the results you want? Tryadvanced search.
Principal Investigator:Smith, M. Licensed Year(s):
To develop an understanding of the heat balance of undisturbed soil and vegetation and develop a computer model which will predict the consequences in the active layer of disturbances of the surface strata for Arctic Land Use Research Program....
Principal Investigator:Hutchinson, Tom Licensed Year(s):
To ascertain how crude oil affects terrestrial and aquatic plants, and soil and water micro-organisms, for Arctic Land Use Research Program....
Principal Investigator:MacKay, D. Licensed Year(s):
To determine how spilled oil behaves and interacts wit the northern environment; how far and how quickly spilled oil will spread on land and in water. To ascertain how low temperatures and snow affect its spread; how deeply oil penetrates into the vegetation, litter or peat and mineral soil layers and what proportion will be lost to evaporation. To provide an indication of the area which would b...
Principal Investigator:Dabbs, Donald Licensed Year(s):
(1) Seeding of native grasses - Tununuk Point. (2) Effect on vegetation of methyL alcohol spills - Inuvik area. (3) Restoration of tundra vegetation after ditching - Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. (4) Biodegradation of methyl alcohol - Inuvik area. (5) Use of biodegradable fibre mats for slope stabilization - Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. (6) Seeding of large disturbed areas at rig sites. (7) Monitoring of...
Principal Investigator:Tull, C.E. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a study of songbirds at Chick Lake, ground and aerial surveys east of Fort Simpson and across the Mackenzie Delta, and aerial surveys of snow geese in the outer Mackezie Delta for C.A.G.S.L....
Principal Investigator:Hoek, W. Licensed Year(s):
A study of the biology of bowhead whales to determine to what extent, if any, animals are stranded as a result of wounding from the Alaskan hunt....
Principal Investigator:Rising, J.D. Licensed Year(s):
Completion of a continent wide study of geographic variation of the savannah sparrow and a general survey of the distribution and abundance of frogs and toads in the Canadian north....