9 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped): Not seeing the results you want? Tryadvanced search.
Principal Investigator:Ostertag, Sonja K Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 6103.
This project hasthree main objectives:
1) To combine traditional knowledge and academic science tools to co-develop traditional knowledge and food calendars in the ISR;
2) To learn about the country foods eaten by Inuvialuit children, youth, adults and Elders in the ISR, how this has changed over time and if there ...
Principal Investigator:Steiner, Nadja Licensed Year(s):2024
2022 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5451.
Objectives are to develop: 1) A static calendar in print and on the website indicating current timings of species and subsistence activities. Online version will be linked with selected extracts of the interviews. This will provide a communication and teaching tool within the community (elder-youth connection); 2) A W...
Principal Investigator:Loseto, Lisa Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5119.
Document Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Inuvialuit Knowledge related to beluga health. Through close collaboration between southern university partners and Tuktoyaktuk HTC. The end goal is to find out how hunters choose certain whales to harvest, and how they look at beluga health.
All interviews will be conducted in ...
Principal Investigator:Skinner, Kelly Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4998.
The goals of this project are: a) to explore how the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) youth and elders understand, define, and value country foods; and b) to explore the traditional food experiences of ISR youth and elders, including experiences in acquiring, preparing, consuming, and learning about country foods.
Principal Investigator:Slavik, Daniel VW Licensed Year(s):
20092008 Summary:
The objectives of this research are to document Inuvialuit knowledge, perspectives, and observations of factors that influence polar bears population health on Banks Island and in the Beaufort Region; and explore how traditional knowledge, community observations, scientific studies, and other information interact to inform hunters about sustainable harvest levels of polar bears.
The researcher ...
Principal Investigator:Ris, Mats Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to understand how Inuvialuit traditional knowledge and hunting of marine mammals has influenced the way local and regional management strategies are built up. Secondly, the researcher will make a comparison with other forms of marine mammal harvesting in circumpolar regions. Such a comparison will make it easier to understand the nature of subsistence hunting in the n...
Principal Investigator:Bromley, Robert G. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher is interested in determining how many and what kinds of ducks, geese and swans are shot in the spring, as well as how many of the adult females harvested have eggs developing in them. This research has received a Wildlife Research Permit # WL 001432. A licence from the Science Institute is issued in order that the researcher can receive support from the Inuvik Research Centre....
Principal Investigator:Konarek, Joseph Licensed Year(s):
Economic and socio-economic studies of renewable resources and commercial hunting, fishing, sealing and tourism; also commercial reindeer greeding....
Principal Investigator:McDonnell, Sheila Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a study to determine the current types of economic activity, the amount of wage employment and the extent of renewable resource harvesting, e.g. fishing, hunting, and trapping. The study will also look at the potential for future community- based economic growth....