13 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Changes to plant communities in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Principal Investigator: Singer, Claire L
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5608. Objectives: To investigate the relative invasibility of different regrowth stand types post-fire; and, To complete river surveys of invasive plants downstream of Hay River and Fort Liard. Burns: To assess the invasibility of different regrowth stand types, samples will be taken along transects running perpend...

Climate and human-mediated range shifts of plants in the NWT, Canada, and impacts to native plant and soil communities
Principal Investigator: Singer, Claire L
Licensed Year(s): 2022 2021
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5272. The proposed research aims to measure the extent of non-native plant spread into natural areas in the NWT, assess the impact of this spread to native plant and soil communities, and assess the risk of invasion from plants in neighbouring jurisdictions. Sampling plots at increasing distances from the roadside or ri...

Hay River Transboundary Fish Sampling
Principal Investigator: Levasseur, Annie
Licensed Year(s): 2020
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4830. Residents of Alberta and NWT communities along Transboundary rivers have voiced concerns such as “are the fish safe to eat?” and “are the fish healthy?” due to the potential cumulative effects of multiple substances, habitat alteration and climate change. There is not any significant historical fish sampling relating ...

The Genographic Project: Anthropological Genetic Analyses of Indigenous Human Populations of North America - South Slave and DehCho
Principal Investigator: Schurr, Theodore G
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010 2009
Summary: In this project, the researchers will explore the ancestry and history of the Aboriginal populations of the NWT through the analysis of genetic diversity in these communities. Through this DNA analysis, they will investigate the origin and diversity of NWT First Nations and assess their relationship to other Dene peoples of Canada and Alaska. They will also explore the origin and ancestry of Inu...

Northern Native Plant Development Collections in the NWT
Principal Investigator: Seccombe-Hett, Pippa
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2007 2006
Summary: This project has been designed in order to develop technologies utilized to propagate and cultivate native plant species. The main deliverable will ultimately provide a system where-by these species will become available for commercial production and use in revegetation and reclamation in the Northwest Territories. The need for native plant seed for reclamation and restoration has been identified ...

Surveys of Rare and Exotic Plants in the NWT
Principal Investigator: Oldham, Micheal
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: Indigenous rare plants exist in the NWT, including in parts of the Mackenzie Mountains and the Beaufort Sea coast (especially in areas that were not glaciated). Alien species may be spreading along roads. There are 94 species of alien plants, transported to the territories by human activity. Surveys pf alien and rare plants will be conducted along roads in the North, South Slave and DehCho reg...

Modelling the establishment and growth of post-fire tree seedlings
Principal Investigator: Gal, Ruth Ann
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: As a result of global warming (which results from increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere), it is suggested that the number of forest fires and the amount of area burned may increase in the northern boreal forests. The types of trees that grow first in these burned areas may be different from those that would have grown in if the climate was cooler. I will collect data at burn site...

Fire, carbon budget and climate change
Principal Investigator: Wein, Ross
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: The research team will be examining areas of permafrost south of Inuvik and near Hay River in order to assess the rate of loss of permafrost as a result of the warming in climate over the past twenty years. The loss in permafrost may be speeded up following a local fire. The wetlands that replace these areas of permafrost could lead to a greater production of methane (one of the gases that contr...

Genetics and postglacial dispersal of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and arctic charr (S. alpinus) in the western arctic
Principal Investigator: Wilson, Chris C.
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990
Summary: The researcher will be collecting lake trout and/or arctic charr from lakes in the vicinities of Hay River, Inuvik, Paulatuk and Tuktoyaktuk in order to examine the distributions of these species. Samples of liver and muscle tissue will be collected from these fish for genetic analyses: this research will provide information about how different populations are related to each other (i.e., their o...

Licence #2697
Principal Investigator: Singh, T.
Licensed Year(s): 1981
Summary: To cut 100 trees in 4 areas; (approx. 60 each of 6 species - white spruce, black spruce, jackpine, aspen, balsam poplar and larch) (total 400) to serve as an indicator of which species will have the maximum potential for energy (Biomass Survey)....