8 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Non-renewable resource development, homelessness and the potential for community-based housing governance and policy in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Principal Investigator: Freeman, Lisa
Licensed Year(s): 2017
Summary: The relationship between resource development, affordable housing and government interventions in northern communities is a long and complicated one. Housing insecurity has been a concern in the Northwest Territories (NWT) since the establishment of settlements and the introduction of state-run housing programs in the mid-20th century. Chronic housing need is worsening in many settlement communiti...

Pacific Northwest Economic Region - Roadmap to Resilient, Net-Zero Buildings and Deep Energy Retrofits
Principal Investigator: Montgomery, James
Licensed Year(s): 2015
Summary: The objectives of this study are to develop a roadmap to identify key policies and technologies that allow for net-zero emissions buildings to be constructed in the northwest of Canada and the United States. Given the diversity of jurisdictions in in the region, the “strategies” contained within the Roadmap will aim to catalyze new legislation or policy in each jurisdiction by highlighting key opp...

Shifting stories, changing places: transformational narratives of climate change in northwestern Canada and Alaska
Principal Investigator: Van Wyck, Peter
Licensed Year(s): 2012
Summary: This research looks at how northern communities and environmental groups have deployed “public storytelling” to influence public policy in two particular instances related to northern food security and climate change: (1) protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge lands as calving grounds of the Porcupine caribou herd and (2) regulation of industrial activities in the Arctic Ocean as these ...

Rural and Northern Community Response to Intimate Partner Violence
Principal Investigator: Hampton, Mary
Licensed Year(s): 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Summary: This study will: 1. Integrate several sources of data to create an action plan that maps the socio-spatial problem of intimate partner violence; 2. Create narratives describing community response in rural and northern areas of the Prairie Provinces and the NWT; and 3. Generate a grounded theory as a practical tool to create and sustain non-violent communities in these regions of Canada. The ...

Designing Appropriate Dispute Resolution Processes for use in Civil Matters in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Posynick, James
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The objectives of this study are to increase access to justice by increasing the availability of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes to NWT residents and to assist communities in using existing ADR or developing socially/culturally and legally...

2001 First Nations & Inuit Regional Longitudinal Health Survey
Principal Investigator: Lenoir, Lenoir
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: The information will work towards improving health status and health care delivery for First Nations and help their governments get a better long term picture of their community, region and country as the survey is carried out over 4 years. There are 3 a...

Child Welfare Service Delivery As Experienced By Front Line Workers In Isolated Northern Communities.
Principal Investigator: Hoey, Shawn
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will recruit participants for the study from among the child protection workers employed by the Inuvik Regional Health and Social Services Board. Participants will be recruited only from communities with a population less than 1500. Participation in the study is voluntary, and all participants will sign a consent form. The study will employ semi-structured qualitative interview...

Constraints to Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration in the Development of a Sustainable Tourism Industry
Principal Investigator: Pisani, Shane
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: My research collection will be comprised of both interviews for key stakeholders and surveys amongst all stakeholders in the tourism industry. I am anticipating beginning interviews and surveys in early August and completing the research by mid-September 1998. The interviews and surveys will involve government agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGO's)- no individual names will be used. T...