Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):2008
The Arctic Ocean receives much higher river inflows than other ocean basins and this has major implications for sea-ice formation, for nutrient supply to the base of aquatic marine foodwebs, and for optical properties of ice-free areas and ice-pack margins via fluxes of dissolved organic matter and riverine particles. The Beaufort Shelf is strongly influenced by Mackenzie River outflows. However, ...
Principal Investigator:Prowse, Terry D Licensed Year(s):2008
200620052004 Summary:
The objectives of this study are to quantify the frequency and magnitude of ice jams in the Mackenzie River Delta, including the hydroclimatic conditions controlling their occurrence and associated floods, develop a hydraulic model of it, and investigate the importance of deep scour holes in the Mackenzie River.
This study is an expansion of previous research conducted in 2004. Ice jamming has ...
Principal Investigator:de Rham, Laurent Licensed Year(s):
It is known that extreme flood levels within the Mackenzie River Basin are caused by ice jamming events. Analysis of open water versus ice influenced water levels at several sites within the Mackenzie River Basin will provide further quantification of th...
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, D.A. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct aerial photography surveys to identify ice jams with resultant flooding. To conduct aerial photography to identify potential non-Mackenzie Valley pipeline routes. To obtain water samples to determine sediment loads carried by the river at various times and locations....
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, David A. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct aerial photography to identify possible ice jam areas. To conduct aerial photography to identify alternate pipeline routes. To collect samples of river water for sediment load analysis....