Principal Investigator:Millar, Nathan P Licensed Year(s):
The northern subspecies of Dolly Varden char is represented by only five populations in Canada. Of these populations, the Vittrekwa River Dolly Varden has been least studied. In the late 1990s, the presence of this fish was confirmed by the Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Data collected through studies conducted by these organizations showed that at le...
Principal Investigator:Van Gerwen-Toyne, Melanie Licensed Year(s):
2000 Summary:
Peel River Fish Study - community monitors will be hired to catch and sample fish from their camps. These camps will be accessed by boat and helicopter. Monitors will catch fish with an experimental gillnet, measure fish, and remove aging structures. The...
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):
Dempster Highway disturbance studies determine the state of natural recovery on human disturbances of various ages; (this includes the botanical and wildlife habitat characteristics). Also, to continue monitoring of the species and population characterisics of small mammals in 12 tundra habitats and continue monitoring of small mammal habitat selection for the 4th year of the study....
Principal Investigator:Calef, George Licensed Year(s):
To carry out monitoring and research studies of all major caribou herds and wolves which may include marking, tagging and collaring....