Principal Investigator:Fujii, Kazumichi Licensed Year(s):
20182017 Summary:
“Drunken forest” is developed on earth hummocks on shallow permafrost layer near Inuvik, Canada. Black spruce forests are typically grown on the shoulder of mounds and tree rings record the history of soil movement. By reading tree rings, The Principal Investigator (PI) is planning to reconstruct history of hummocky soil formation.
The PI will collect tree core samples by making a hole in wood...
Principal Investigator:Green, Scott Licensed Year(s):2009
This licence was issued for the application # 836.
The project will examine past tree growth patterns at the northern treeline in Western Canada as a baseline to predict future growth responses to climate change. Additionally, the researchers will examine tree regeneration and plant associations at the northern treeline.
Growth-ring analyses will be conducted in mature treeline populations....
Principal Investigator:Pisaric, Michael FJ Licensed Year(s):2008
20062005 Summary:
The impact of climate change on forest ecosystems in the Mackenzie Delta is being studied using dendrochronology. Earlier studies indicate a negative relationship between tree growth and summer temperatures. Summer temperatures may be exceeding the physiological threshold of northern trees or perhaps the trees are drought stressed. Manual and automatic dendrometers will be used to measure tree gro...
Principal Investigator:Osawa, Akira Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will conduct research on jack pine forests along the highways in Wood Buffalo National Park and will also collect stem increment cores from black spruce trees around the latitudinal tree line near Inuvik. This research will consist of remeasurement of permanent plots, foliage distribution and light measurement, establishment of pruning experiment and stem core sampling near Inuvik....