Principal Investigator:Hilton, Robert G Licensed Year(s):
2019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4678.
The research team will collect a new sample set to better quantify the carbon source, age and fate in one of the largest rivers draining the high latitudes. Based on previous work, the team have identified three priority objectives for sample collection in the Mackenzie River:
1) Collect river depth profile sediment ...
Principal Investigator:Wookey, Philip A Licensed Year(s):
2013 Summary:
This research aims to understand what factors affect 1) the amount of carbon stored in tundra soils, and 2) the conversion of this soil carbon into greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane). In particular, the research team wants to understand how hydrology (which is the distribution and movement of water in soils and streams) might affect the carbon cycle under future global warming. This inc...