Principal Investigator:Ostertag, Sonja K Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 6103.
This project hasthree main objectives:
1) To combine traditional knowledge and academic science tools to co-develop traditional knowledge and food calendars in the ISR;
2) To learn about the country foods eaten by Inuvialuit children, youth, adults and Elders in the ISR, how this has changed over time and if there ...
Principal Investigator:Herzschuh, Ulrike Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5941.
Our aim for this study would be to better understand the climate history and paleoecological since the last glacial maximum at the margin of glaciated regions and to help compare regions between formerly glaciated and unglaciated regions in terms of changes in biodiversity, the movement of the tree line and the effec...
Principal Investigator:Singer, Claire L Licensed Year(s):2024
2022 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5495.
The goal of this project is to complete a territory-wide Indigenous knowledge study to determine what we know about berries, describe any changes that are being seen in berries, identify potential causes of these changes, and outline what further information needs to be collected. The completion of this work will resu...