122 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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A Capable Person – Long Ago and Today: A narrative inquiry focusing on the stories of Northwest Territories Elders’ traditional Aboriginal pedagogies and comparing them to contemporary educational app
Principal Investigator: James, V. Angela
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: Through the Indigenous research methodology of story, the purpose of this qualitative research is to examine the traditional pedagogies of NWT Aboriginal Elders and NWT Aboriginal curricula that describe capable learners to see if they corroborate contemporary educational approaches proposed by educators and researchers as being most effective in creating capable learners and citizens who can navi...

Building capacity and documenting traditional knowledge on Species at Risk in the Gwich’in Settlement Area 2012- 2014
Principal Investigator: Benson, Kristi
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2012
Summary: The proposed two-year traditional knowledge (TK) study focuses on gathering Gwich’in traditional knowledge of three species of special concern- wolverine, grizzly bear, and woodland caribou - northern mountain population. The TK studies will be led by a Gwich'in Species at Risk (SAR) TK Committee, which will direct the projects and allow information to flow from federal and territorial bodies to c...

CSI Husky Lakes – Evaluation of hydro-climatic drivers of contaminant transfer in aquatic food webs in the Husky Lakes Watershed
Principal Investigator: Gantner, Nikolaus (Klaus)
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2012 2011
Summary: The overall goals are to: 1. Provide baseline information on contaminant levels, incorporate Traditional Knowledge, and jointly plan future monitoring based on these and other resources; 2. Build capacity locally by providing training in sampling and monitoring techniques to local persons, and; 3. Establish a monitoring plan that incorporates science and TK-based data which provides information...

Building Economic and Social Prosperity: Connecting a Northern University Vision Through Dechinta Bush University
Principal Investigator: Coulthard, Glen
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: The objectives of this research project are to: 1) document, evaluate and support the development of Dechinta Bush University Centre for Research and Learning; Including: A. governance practices, institutional structures and partnerships, B. teaching quality, C. the integration of land-based learning with university programming, D. students' personal and academic development and success, ...

Shifting stories, changing places: transformational narratives of climate change in northwestern Canada and Alaska
Principal Investigator: Van Wyck, Peter
Licensed Year(s): 2012
Summary: This research looks at how northern communities and environmental groups have deployed “public storytelling” to influence public policy in two particular instances related to northern food security and climate change: (1) protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge lands as calving grounds of the Porcupine caribou herd and (2) regulation of industrial activities in the Arctic Ocean as these ...

The Limits of Sovereignty: Practices of Indigeneity among the Teetl'it Gwich'in
Principal Investigator: Alexie, Elaine D.
Licensed Year(s): 2012
Summary: The purpose of this research project is to gather information on practices of Indigeneity: the spiritual, physical, and cultural practices of the Teetl’it Gwich’in from the community of Fort McPherson. The researcher will be interviewing Teetl’it Gwich’in knowledge holders who can provide insight to the concept of Indigeneity and the significance it holds for them. A major focus of this project ...

Climate change impacts on Inuit food security in Canada’s Western Arctic: Constructing a comparative anthropological model to guide adaptation planning
Principal Investigator: Douglas, Vasiliki K
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2010
Summary: The purpose of this project is to assist the Inuvialuit in adaptation planning that will meet ongoing environmental and social challenges, while also maintaining their rights under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The existing knowledge, skills and networks that facilitate such adaptations are important community ‘assets’ that form the basis of capacity-building. The goal ...

GNWT Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge / Traditional Land Use Study
Principal Investigator: Fabijan, Michael F
Licensed Year(s): 2012
Summary: The study will focus on collecting information from Inuvialuit elders and harvesters. Of particular interest are community issues and concerns, local knowledge and recommendations with respect to the potential effects of the proposed project. Participants will be asked to discuss their perceptions of the potential effects of the project on community health and wellness, their knowledge of tradi...

Lands, Lakes and Livelihoods: women’s subsistence fishing in Paulatuk, NT
Principal Investigator: Todd, Zoe SC
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2011
Summary: The researcher will study how people fish in Paulatuk today, how people talk about fishing and how fishing was practiced and characterised in the past. The researcher’s intent is to gain insight into contemporary relationships between people and the environment and inform anthropological discourse on women’s harvesting activity in arctic Canada. This project involves anthropological fieldwork,...

Learning the Language of the Land: The representation of land in web-based Indigenous language education
Principal Investigator: Parker, Aliana
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The research objective is to understand the connection between Indigenous languages and the land, and to explore how that connection is represented in websites used for Indigenous language education. The central research question is: What is the significance of Indigenous perspectives of land for Indigenous language revitalization efforts? The connection between language and land will be the main ...