2 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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On-the-Land monitoring, youth engagement, and knowledge sharing of environmental change
Principal Investigator: Spring, Andrew
Licensed Year(s): 2019
Summary: Research will be conducted through shared on-the-land experiences with researchers and community members as well as focus groups within the communities and/or on-the-land. This includes interactive experiences in traditional knowledge as it arises from “way of life” practices on-the-land, consideration of knowledge and its communication at different scales and from different sources, and science-b...

Gwich'in Knowledge of the Land
Principal Investigator: Main Johnson, Leslie
Licensed Year(s): 2000 1999
Summary: It is hoped that this project will help to pass on the traditional knowledge of Elders to younger generations before this knowledge and their skills are lost. Documentation of Gwich'in TEK may also help in developing sustainable ways of living within northern lands in the future. The reseacher's specific activities include: extended particpatory trips on the land to Gwich'in trapping camps, fish ...