Principal Investigator:Loovers, Jan Peter L. Licensed Year(s):
This research will build on anthropological work undertaken with the Gwich’in in the first decades of the twentieth century. A continuation of ethnographical work will benefit Gwich’in communities and offer clearer insight into the relations between bush and community life, presenting the opportunity to explore this relationship at different levels, namely household, local, regional, national and ...
Principal Investigator:Fremgen, Barbara A. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will be investigating philosopher Clifford Geertz’s research and how he understands culture and humanity. His most important method, thick description, will be used by the researcher to get to know more about the cultures present in Inuvik by observing, writing descriptions and analyzing meaningful behaviours. The researcher will then use this experience of applying Clifford Geertz’...
Principal Investigator:Rodriguez, Marisol Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
The researcher will visit the Mad Trapper Jamboree at Aklavik, the Beluga Jamboree at Tuktoyaktuk, and the White Fox Jamboree at Sachs Harbour in order to conduct interviews with musicians and other jamboree participants. This information will be added to the information gathered last summer at the Inuvik Music Festival. This research examines the social significance of music in the Inuvialuit....