Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
The research is aimed at learning more about the experiences of new Canadians (e.g., landed immigrants, temporary workers), who have moved to Inuvik and Yellowknife for employment. Specifically the researcher will ask questions about:
a) perceptions of "a good life" in Inuvik and Yellowknife;
b) perceptions of the benefits and challenges of the local economy; and
c) the level of support and sha...
Principal Investigator:Rawluk, Andrea Licensed Year(s):2011
The objective of this project is to learn more about how different generations in Aklavik respond to changes both in the community and on the land with an idea that is called “intergenerational resilience”. In particular, the project looks to learn what “resilience” means to Gwich’in community members in Aklavik, understand how individuals, households, and communities work with and adapt to chang...
Principal Investigator:Salokangas, Raila M Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this research is to investigate the meaning of education for Inuvialuit youth and their families in the community of Tuktoyaktuk, specifically; how has the meaning of education changed for the Inuvialuit families? Further, how has education contributed to social change and how does social change contribute to changes in education? Also, is the meaning for education different for local ...
Principal Investigator:Grant, Shelagh Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a survey of local peoples' opinion on the effects of World War Ii and their perceptions of the effects of WW II and how it changed such things as health care, education and government policy. This is the background to an M.A. history thesis....