Principal Investigator:Tallman, Ross F Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this study is to gather information about fish and fish habitat to minimize and monitor impacts associated with the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline. Broad whitefish, inconnu, arctic cisco and lake whitefish are the major fish species taken in subsistence fisheries in the Mackenzie Valley. These species are highly migratory and are targeted by multiple fisheries along their migration ro...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):200620052004
This study is an investigation of massive ice in granular deposits in the Mackenzie Delta area and northeastern North Slave region. The presence of massive ice in aggregate deposits results in resource management problems, particularly for the oil indus...
Principal Investigator:Squires Taylor, Cindy Licensed Year(s):1992
The Researcher will conduct a survey, approximately 30 km on either side of the Mackenzie River using satellite imagery. A classification will be undertaken of the area from the Mackenzie Delta to the Fort Simpson area, with wider zones along the east side to include proposed pipeline routes. The information can be plotted as colour maps to show the location of trap lines, forest fires or wildlife...