Principal Investigator:Osawa, Akira Licensed Year(s):20192018201620152013
201120102009200820072006 Summary:
Main objective of the field work is to collect data in jack pine and black spruce forests on annual movement of organic matter and carbon. Additional objective is to conduct a regional study of stand development and its relationship to environmental factors in a several-square-kilometer study area of mostly black spruce.
Five methods will be used. 1) Soil and air temperature will be measured...
Principal Investigator:Johnston-Schuetz, Cheryl Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this project is to examine the environmental thresholds to the successful establishment of a boreal (high latitude) conifer forest by measuring photosynthetic rates in conifer seedlings. Climate change has the potential to shift southern commercial tree species and treelines northward with implications for existing ecosystems and future economic development.
The project’s goal ...
Principal Investigator:Walker-Larsen, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
200220012000 Summary:
Baseline data on the rate at which trees grow (productivity) and the time required for trees to re-establish (regeneration) following fires and human disturbances are required to determine forest sustainability and to understand how habitat changes over...
Principal Investigator:Simpson, Lloyd G. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
Dr. Simpson and his crew will be travelling along the NWT highway system measuring trees and shrubs in the forest. This information will be used to estimate the amount of living material in the boreal forest....