Principal Investigator:Wein, Ross Licensed Year(s):
Since fire is most wide spread agent of change in the northern forest, society should know how climatic warming will influence the force. The fire history of the Mackenzie Delta Region is known only through fire suppresion records over the past 25 years. Spot checks on the landscape have been made, but no longer record of 5-20 decades is available. Tree ring approaches will be used in this study...
Principal Investigator:Squires Taylor, Cindy Licensed Year(s):1992
The Researcher will conduct a survey, approximately 30 km on either side of the Mackenzie River using satellite imagery. A classification will be undertaken of the area from the Mackenzie Delta to the Fort Simpson area, with wider zones along the east side to include proposed pipeline routes. The information can be plotted as colour maps to show the location of trap lines, forest fires or wildlife...