4 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Development of a Differential Frost Heave Model: Application to Patterned Ground Formation.
Principal Investigator: Peterson, Rorik
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: The objective of this work is to make physical measurements of the size, shape and distribution of earth hummocks in areas where the 1968 forest fire did not occur. We are developing a mathematical model which predicts hummock size and activity based on soil properties and environmental conditions. Because hummock activity appears to be very sensitive to environmental changes, our model, coupled ...

Forest & Forest Fire Studies in the Mackenzie Delta Ecosystem
Principal Investigator: Wein, Ross
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: Since fire is most wide spread agent of change in the northern forest, society should know how climatic warming will influence the force. The fire history of the Mackenzie Delta Region is known only through fire suppresion records over the past 25 years. Spot checks on the landscape have been made, but no longer record of 5-20 decades is available. Tree ring approaches will be used in this study...

Fire, carbon budget and climate change
Principal Investigator: Wein, Ross
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: The research team will be examining areas of permafrost south of Inuvik and near Hay River in order to assess the rate of loss of permafrost as a result of the warming in climate over the past twenty years. The loss in permafrost may be speeded up following a local fire. The wetlands that replace these areas of permafrost could lead to a greater production of methane (one of the gases that contr...

Implications of climate change for slope stability in the Mackenzie Valley
Principal Investigator: Dyke, Larry
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: In this ongoing study, the frequency and characteristics of landslides occurring in the Mackenzie Valley area are examined. I am trying to determine the roles that forest fires, climate changes and water flow in rivers play in the location and number of landslides. The field work will involve taking measurements on past landslides that include measuring permafrost features and taking core samples...