Principal Investigator:Maier, Kris Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are:
1) to re-assess the anadromous component of the known Vittrekwa River Dolly Varden char population;
2) to investigate & assess other potential suitable Dolly Varden habitat; and
3) to confirm the presence of Dolly Varden char in the Stony Creek watershed.
For the Vittrekwa River the research team plans to construct a fixed weir which will trap se...
Principal Investigator:Millar, Nathan P Licensed Year(s):
The northern subspecies of Dolly Varden char is represented by only five populations in Canada. Of these populations, the Vittrekwa River Dolly Varden has been least studied. In the late 1990s, the presence of this fish was confirmed by the Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Data collected through studies conducted by these organizations showed that at le...
Principal Investigator:Millar, Nathan P Licensed Year(s):
Currently, little information exists on the fisheries resources of the Arctic Red River. Baseline information on fisheries resources is required to make sound management decisions. This information (e.g., biological characteristics of fish: length, weight, age at maturity, migration patterns, date of spawning; presence/absence of species) is collected through long-term studies, traditional knowled...
Principal Investigator:Van Gerwen-Toyne, Melanie Licensed Year(s):
2000 Summary:
Peel River Fish Study - community monitors will be hired to catch and sample fish from their camps. These camps will be accessed by boat and helicopter. Monitors will catch fish with an experimental gillnet, measure fish, and remove aging structures. The...
Principal Investigator:Chiperzak, Doug Licensed Year(s):
A sample of potential spawners (inconnu) will be tagged (30 radio tags and up to 300 anchor tags) in the area of shingle point, Coney Lake and possible other areas in the outer delta. fish will be captured using a combination of gillnets, box traps, angling, and seining. Tracking of radio tagged inconnu will be done from a fixed wing aircraft. Recapture information from tagged fish captured in ...
Principal Investigator:Tallman, Ross F Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The researchers will work with other scientists to examine the broad whitefish of the Mackenzie River and associated tributaries of the Arctic Red and Peel Rivers. Features such as population size, migration, growth, age of sexual maturity and mortality will be examined. A study of the traditional knowledge of broad whitefish and fishing in the Mackenzie River will also be developed. Training i...
Principal Investigator:Chang-Kue, Ken T.J. Licensed Year(s):
The field work of this project will involve attaching radio tags or transmitters on 20 broad whitefish at a location approximately 40 km from the mouth of the Arctic Red River. The movements of these whitefish from September to the following June can then be monitored to determine their migration routes, spawning areas and overwintering areas. Data from the radio transmitters is collected by a s...
Principal Investigator:Freeman, Milton M.R. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
Under the direction of the Aklavik and Inuvik HTA's, the research team will carry out interviews with Inuvialuit that are knowledgable about the broad whitefish and its fishery in the local waters. Data to be obtained include information on the traditional fishery, changes to this fishery, knowledge about the breeding and feeding habits, migrations, parasites and diseases, and effects of local en...