3 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Dolly Varden Char Assessment in the Peel Plateau
Principal Investigator: Maier, Kris
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The objectives of this research project are: 1) to re-assess the anadromous component of the known Vittrekwa River Dolly Varden char population; 2) to investigate & assess other potential suitable Dolly Varden habitat; and 3) to confirm the presence of Dolly Varden char in the Stony Creek watershed. For the Vittrekwa River the research team plans to construct a fixed weir which will trap se...

Testing molecular and otolith tools to investigate population-of-origin and migration in Arctic cisco found in the Colville River, Alaska
Principal Investigator: Nielsen, Jennifer L.
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: This study aims to use genetic markers and otolith microchemistry to determine if differences exist between putative Arctic cisco spawning aggregations in tributaries of the Mackenzie River (Peel and Arctic Red rivers); and, if differences do exist, to use this information to identify population-of-origin for fish caught in the Colville River subsistence fishery. During the summer or fall (1 Au...

Licence #1989
Principal Investigator: Hatfield, C.T.
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: To carry out a fresh water fisheries study, primarily in search for spawining areas. Some fish might be tested for parasites and mercury....