Principal Investigator:Kruse, Stefan Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5263.
The aim is to monitor vegetation changes in current climate warming for simulating past and future dynamics with an individual-based spatially explicit model. Therefore, the intentions are: 1) assessing stand inventories at diverse bioclimatic and environmental settings by a space-for-time approach; 2) gathering remot...
Principal Investigator:Richter, Andreas Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5246.
The main goal of the project is to understand which mechanisms are controlling soil nutrient cycling and soil-plant interactions across both permafrost thaw gradients and vegetation types. The research team are mainly interested in nutrient cycling processes and priming, as well as how microbial community composition ...
Principal Investigator:Trimble, Annika EV Licensed Year(s):201820172016201520142013
20112010200920072006 Summary:
The objective of this sub-project is to continue assessing the performance of native plants which were seeded and transplanted into field plots in 2006 and 2007. The research team intends to collect data regarding winter survival, seedling emergence, and overall plant vigour and productivity in order to assess each species' and collection's suitability for use in land reclamation in the NWT.
Principal Investigator:Greene, David F Licensed Year(s):2005
The purpose of this three-year project is to identify the factors that promote or retard forest regrowth after seismic line cutting. Oil and gas development in the Mackenzie Valley has the potential to heavily impact the region's slow-growing forests....
Principal Investigator:Greene, David F Licensed Year(s):
The long distance dispersal of tree pollen and seeds is of considerable interest as we ask how fast plants can migrate in response to rapid climate change. Examination of seed dispersal will actually be based on looking at germinants (rather than seeds)...
Principal Investigator:Van Gerwen-Toyne, Melanie Licensed Year(s):2003
20012000 Summary:
Baseline data on the rate of tree growth (productivity) and time required for trees to re-establish (regeneration) following fires and anthropogenic disturbances are required to determine forest sustainability and understand how habitat changes over time...
Principal Investigator:Wein, Ross Licensed Year(s):19931992
19881987 Summary:
In the early 1970's, several test plots were established to see what happens when the plants and soil are disturbed or removed by fire, oil spills, and vehicles. Dr. Wein and two students will be re-visiting these sites to document how the plants have recovered since that time....
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):
Dempster Highway disturbance studies determine the state of natural recovery on human disturbances of various ages; (this includes the botanical and wildlife habitat characteristics). Also, to continue monitoring of the species and population characterisics of small mammals in 12 tundra habitats and continue monitoring of small mammal habitat selection for the 4th year of the study....
Principal Investigator:Vaartnou, H. Licensed Year(s):
To establish test plots of various species of grass to determine the best types to be used to revegetate sites disturbed by pipeline construction....
Principal Investigator:Bouckhout, Leo W. Licensed Year(s):
(1) To survey native grasses, legumes and shrubs and evaluate their usefulness for revegetating disturbed areas. (2) To conduct fish counts, collect water samples for chemical data determination and prepare descriptions of all water crossings....