Principal Investigator:Mochnacz, Neil Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5657.
The main objective of this research is to collect eDNA samples to determine the essential habitat requirements of Dolly Varden and to maintain the temperature monitoring network in Fish Creek.
For eDNA collection, two litres of water will be collected in the stream and a portable pump will be used to filter the wat...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):20092008
2006 Summary:
This study is designed to fill science gaps in Environment Canada’s understanding of the structure and functioning of the aquatic environment potentially impacted by various aspects of the Mackenzie Gas Project. While data collected during the Environmental Impact Assessment studies (carried out in conjunction with the proposed construction and operation of the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline) are relative...
Principal Investigator:Millar, Nathan P Licensed Year(s):
Gwich’in people living in Tsiigehtchic have fished for broad whitefish, lake whitefish, inconnu, and ciscoes along the Arctic Red and Mackenzie Rivers for generations. Today, fishing is still an important livelihood, and fish comprise a major food source. The proper management of these resources is, therefore, a priority in the community of Tsiighetchic. A five-year study completed by the Gwich’in...
Principal Investigator:Prowse, Terry D Licensed Year(s):2008200720062005
The objective of this research is to identify the locations of deep scour holes in the river bed. Unusual bathymetric features such as these deep holes (up to 30 m deep and 5-6 times the average channel depth) are of great practical concern in designing...
Principal Investigator:Freeman, Milton M.R. Licensed Year(s):19941993
Under the direction of the Aklavik and Inuvik HTA's, the research team will carry out interviews with Inuvialuit that are knowledgable about the broad whitefish and its fishery in the local waters. Data to be obtained include information on the traditional fishery, changes to this fishery, knowledge about the breeding and feeding habits, migrations, parasites and diseases, and effects of local en...
Principal Investigator:Jenkins, B.W. Licensed Year(s):
To assess the impact on fish resources and domestic fishing operations of proposed ferry crossing of the Mackenzie River....
Principal Investigator:Hatfield, C.T. Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a fresh water fisheries study, primarily in search for spawining areas. Some fish might be tested for parasites and mercury....